President, International Group and Partner of AGI- Goldratt Institute LLP
MEGA has developed an unique culture driven by “Passion”. Combine this with the clear strategic direction, and the prime focus on “people” as the key asset, Mega has what it take to continue to be successful and develop itself as a world-class leader in its league.
Some of the challenges ahead reside in aligning the speed the company is growing with the people’s capabilities.
The other challenge I see is how well the organization executes the Injection which breaks its short-long term conflict.
“The actions we take to ensure short term performance pave the way to ensuring long term performance”
This requires in many instances a paradigm shift in thinking which in many cases involves taking a step back (taking a hit to the P&L )
As a last feedback, I hope that more an more people will spend adequate time on good communication and challenge each other, including the leaders as this is a necessary condition to create sustainability and achieve MEGA’s GOAL with VELOCITY