It was a pure joy to work with Mega. I have spoken for more than 1500 companies in the last 12+ years in over 45 countries. I was very impressed with the focus on innovation, with the unusually big focus on learning from other thought leader and the big diversity of backgrounds of the people who attended the event.
My latest book is called “One World. One Company.” and it tells the story of how some of the best companies in the world are using innovation, curiosity of the world and diverse backgrounds to create “Truly Global Companies
Mega fits perfectly into the definition of a Truly Global Company. Had I known about them earlier I would have included them as a case study in my book. I am convinced many companies can learn a lot from Mega.
Fredrik Härén is an author and speaker on business creativity. He runs the company and is based in Singapore. Last year, he was invited to speak in 23 countries.
Fredrik Haren
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