To me, Mega and it’s culture is all about caring for people; it’s employees, the shopkeepers who sell their products, the customers who use them and the shareholder.
While almost every organization espouses the value of caring for all the stakeholders – and they may even believe they do –the actions of most companies prove otherwise. Invariably most companies value the shareholder first and foremost and make short term decisions to please them. Companies built on short term decision making always eventually fail.
Within minutes of beginning my first conversation with Vivek it became apparent to me that I’d landed on one of those rare people whose authenticity is so genuine that it’s palpable; you can actually feel it in your soul. Being a compassionate and caring soul is the culture of Mega.
Upon meeting, spending time and teaching the leaders of the company who have guided it’s growth and good work, I was again amazed at how genuine, compassionate, caring and committed to growth everyone was. Seldom do I encounter an organization where everyone is on the same page.
The highest compliment I can give an organization is to say they get ‘it.’ Mega get’s it and practices it in all they do. They understand that by truly caring for and doing the right things for all the people that their long their success will be insured.
To say that I respect, admire and care deeply for Mega, it’s leadership and everyone associated with the company would be an understatement. Here’s to a Mega future for Mega and all it’s stakeholders.
Worked as a consultant for Mega We care. Bestselling author of It’s Not The Big That Eat The Small – It’s The Fast That Eat The Slow, Less Is More, Think BIG-Act Small and Hit The Ground Running, The Reinventors.
Jason Jennings
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