Worked as an external coach to Mega Founder and Coach, ”The Coach” – Maximizing “A” Players Thailand.
We had spent time with top management down to supervisors and it was one of my best experiences. There are people with unique qualities at MEGA. I can summarize them into 3 Es of leadership.
MEGA is driven by an Entrepreneurship mindset, selecting the people with right mindset and providing them freedom to work .There is less instruction on “how to do” the work, they are told the “why” and “what”. Hence, people have more freedom to exercise their strengths in order to deliver high level of performance output.
The high level of Empowerment reflects high trust on people. People can move around, adjust their scope of work and to my surprise, I found many people who are asking for more work without any pressure on them.
End result of the above 2 Es is a high level of Employee Engagement. I can see that from the maid to the corner office, people enjoy their work. You can see faces with smile and laugh all over the place.